Franca Parianen Lesemann

Franca Parianen Lesemann is a neuroscientist, successful science slammer and bestselling author. Her work focuses on the big questions of living together.
She worked at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig in the Social Neuroscience Group and researched the origin and structure of human coexistence at the level of neurons and hormones at the Helmholtz Institute of Utrecht University. Since 2014, the Berliner-by-choice has also been active as a science slammer, slamming at medical congresses, theaters and trade fairs.
Franca Parianen is on the trail of social issues from a neuroscientific perspective and, as a science communicator, makes them comprehensible to the layperson. Knowledgeable and fast-paced, it explores the origins and structure of human coexistence and offers fascinating insights into neuroscience. She shows what shapes our behavior and transfers her findings on social driving forces and communication to day-to-day politics and the digital world.

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