Jamie Bartlett

Jamie Bartlett is one of the most renowned British journalists, authors and tech bloggers. He observes how the internet is changing politics and society and regularly writes about it for newspapers such as The Spectator, Guardian and Daily Telegraph.

Over the past few years, he has researched everything from online subcultures and hackers to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, from the threat to democracy posed by social media to the digital underground known as the darknet. He is the author of several bestselling books, presented the BBC2 documentary “The Secrets of Silicon Valley” in 2017 and is the author and presenter of the highly successful BBC podcast “The Missing Cryptoqueen”.

Jamie Bartlett looks into the abyss of the internet. His groundbreaking research into the online underworld and the rise of political extremism has earned him much praise and attention. His lectures offer valuable insights into the dangers and opportunities of the digital world and encourage critical reflection on the impact of technology on our society.

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