IMMO United

IMMOunited GmbH was founded by Roland Schmid and is the market leader in the provision of land register and real estate data. Its core competence lies in the evaluation of all real estate transactions, such as sales, gifts, inheritance or “share deals”. Since 2007, the Vienna-based company has been creating competitive advantages through innovative online products in the real estate sector, thereby promoting market transparency. The product range includes IMMObase (federal databases), IMMOmapping (transaction map), IMMOdeveloper (construction project database), IMMOstats (online statistics tool on transactions), IMMOfarming (land register property information), IMMOvaluation (valuation products) and IMABIS (real estate offer database). A team of over 90 people works in close cooperation with its more than 2,000 corporate clients and well over 10,000 users on the continuous expansion of the IMMOunited product world. IMMOunited GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of the Roland Schmid Group, which has holdings in several companies such as lexunited GmbH, RS Vorsorge GmbH,, RS digital/ and Hidden Gems Filmproduktion GmbH.

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