John-Dylan Haynes

As a neuroscientist, John-Dylan Haynes is on the trail of thoughts. He is a professor at the Bernstein Center of Charité Berlin and director of the Berlin Center for Advanced Neuroimaging.

His research deals with a wide range of questions about the connection between thinking and the brain, such as how thoughts can be read from brain activity, how our brain makes decisions and whether we have free will. He is therefore scientifically concerned with one of the core questions of humanity: how does the world enter our consciousness? Or in short: can you read minds?

Prof. Haynes’ research is regularly reported on in international media such as CNN and the BBC. In his book “Fenster ins Gehirn” (Window into the Brain), published in 2021, he and Matthias Eckoldt provide an insight into the possibilities and limitations of brain research.

In his lectures, John-Dylan Haynes uses illuminating examples to convey an exciting picture of his field of research, but also addresses the limits of feasibility and ethics.

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